From the 24.6.24 to the 28.6.2024 the European Conference on X-ray Spectrometry was held at the marvelous venue in Athens Greece. Frithjof Mähler and Ursula Fittschen presented their work in two poster presentations and an oral contribution. About 300 researchers and company representatives from all over the world discussed topic from X-ray spectrometry the entire week. Two new manufacturers of lab-XAFS instruments were present. Very interesting were also the new fluorescence XAFS developments at the University of Helsinki. Invited talks from the MEET on the usefulness of charge transfer multiplet calculations was given online, all other presenters made it to Athens in person. All in all we experienced a very vivid and fruitful meeting which got us back home with many new ideas and excitement to test them in our laboratories. The next EXRS 2026 will be held in Catania Italy.