For the fourth time, the International Clausthal Chemistry Workshop (ICCW) took place in the week from 25.02.18 to 02.03.18. Students from France, Italy, Poland, Slovakia and from the Robert Koch School (RKS) in Clausthal started a week full of chemistry with experiments from the SuperLab, experiments with supermarket products, in the practical room of the Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry. The organizer of the workshop, Mr. Franke from the RKS (photo: 2nd from left), was warmly welcomed by Mrs. Fittschen (far right) together with all participants. Other stations of the workshop were e.g. the Institute for Organic Chemistry and the Institute for Physical Chemistry.
There was a lot of positive feedback from the students and the accompanying teachers, which can also be read in the "Goslarsche Zeitung" of 27.02.18.