The 25th ICXOM - International Conference on X-ray Optics and Microanalysis will be held from 5 - 9 August 2019 at The Westin Lombard Yorktown Center, Lombard IL, USA
The program is now online:
Prof. Dr. Fittschen together with scientists from DESY and the APS is responsible for organizing this conference on latest research on novel groundbreaking synchrotron and laboratory X-ray spectrometry developments. The ICXOM-25, dedicated to developments in Synchrotron instrumentation and micro- and nano-analysis will be held together with the DXC specialized on newest developments and innovation in laboratory XRD and XRF in Lombard, Illinois.
Plenary Session: New Approaches in Imaging:
- Florian Meirer, University of Utrecht, Spatial and Temporal Exploration of Heterogeneous Catalysts with Synchrotron Radiation
- Benjamin Hornberger, Lyncean Technologies, Multimodal Imaging Using Lyncean’s Compact Synchrotron Source
- Gayle Woloschack, Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, X-ray Imaging from Tissues to Cells to Subcellular Structures