Let it flow: Redox Flow Batteries Info Day

On April 11, 2019, DECHEMA held its "Let it flow: Redox flow batteries info day" in Frankfurt.

On April 11, 2019, the "Let it flow: Info day redox flow batteries" of DECHEMA took place in Frankfurt. Among many other working groups from TU Clausthal, the Fittschen working group was also represented. During the day, an insight into the current state of metallic and organic redox flow batteries (RFB) in research and industry could be gained. Among others, Jena Batteries (https://jenabatteries.com/) presented a TEMPO and viologen based organic RFB and CMBlu (https://www.cmblu.de/) a lignin based RFB.  In addition to exciting presentations, there was the opportunity to look at posters or simply make new contacts over a coffee.