The annual Denver X-ray Conference (DXC) was held at the Westin in Westminster, Colorado, USA. It started out with two days of workshops on XRF and XRD fundamentals as well as imaging techniques. In the plenary meeting the prestigious BIRKS award recognizing outstanding contribution to the field of X-ray spectrometry was awarded to Prof. Dr. Christina Streli from the TU Vienna (on the left in picture, with Mary-Ann Zaitz, IBM). In the laudatio her contribution to the development and application in the field of X-ray fluorescence spectrometry including TXRF, Micro XRF, Confocal XRF and 2D and 3D imaging for a deeper understanding of complex problems and for her commitment to her students and the international XRF community was highlighted.
The Fittschen group was represented by Prof. Dr. Ursula Fittschen organizing a session on “general XRF" hosting George Havrilla from Los Alamos National Laboratory and by an invited talk on "gas phase Hg determination from ambient air" (Böttger & Fittschen) in the “trace element” session chaired by Dr. Laura Borgese from Brescia University (Italy).