In the lecture-free period there was the opportunity to visit several conferences in Berlin. On 19 and 20 March 2018, the "Berlin Recycling and Raw Materials Conference" took place. Here, the Fittschen working group informed itself about the current topics related to the research focus of TU Clausthal "Securing raw materials and resource efficiency". Immediately afterwards, the ESAS & CANAS (European Symposium in Atomic Spectrometry & Colloquium Analytical Atomic Spectrometry) took place from 20 to 23 March 2018, also in Berlin. Here, the Fittschen working group was represented with a talk and three posters. Professor Dr. Fittschen gave a talk on: "Microanalysis and Microscopy of the elements and their species using X-ray based methods". The poster of Dr. Inger Marie Tyssebotn with the title: "Developement of a novel CE-XRF system for elemental speciation" received a poster prize.