A vivid exchange of research in the field of X-ray spectrometry took place in beautiful weather at the TU Clausthal from September 4 to 8, 2023.
The biennial international conference on TXRF and related methods attracted 78 participants from universities all over the world and was organized and hosted by Prof. Dr. Ursula Fittschen and her research group. Most participants came from Europe, but Japan also has a strong TXRF community, and others came from as far away as Canada and Argentina.
The conference is a forum for experts and users of TXRF (Total reflection X-ray fluorescence) and related techniques. Total reflection is a resource-efficient high-performing speciality of XRF and enables the determination of trace amounts of elements in minute sample quantities. For example, 10ppb of lead can be detected in less than 100 µg of an ambient aerosol sample. The scope is to jointly present and discuss recent advances, the latest research results and new perspectives in different fields of TXRF from fundamentals to applications. Fostering early career scientists is an important aim of the conference. In Clausthal, 21 participants were students and all poster prizes were awarded to early-career researchers. The third-place poster prize was awarded to Franziska Sand from the IAAC, the second prize was awarded to Riccarda Müller from the University of Ulm and the first-place poster prize was awarded to Sebastian Hauser, University Ulm.
The conference was organized back to back with the closing event of the EU-COST Action “Enforce TXRF”. The Chair of the Action, Prof. Dr. Laura Borgese from the University of Brescia, Italy, was honoured for her exceptional service to the TXRF community.
The conference proceedings will be published in Spectrochimica Acta Part B.
The next conference will be held in 2025 at the Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, Poland, organized by Dr. Aldona Kubala-Kukuś.
Der Tagungsband wird in Spectrochimica Acta Part B veröffentlicht.
Die nächste Konferenz wird 2025 an der Jan-Kochanowski-Universität in Kielce (Polen) stattfinden, organisiert von Dr. Aldona Kubala-Kukuś.