Sven Hampel

Bachelor's degree in chemistry and master's degree in applied chemistry at Clausthal University of Technology. The bachelor thesis entitled "Aromatic phosphonic acid esters as covalently bonded flame retardants for wood" was written at the Institute of Organic Chemistry. The master thesis titled "Characterization of "drop on demand" picoliter droplets for use in total reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis" was prepared in the Fittschen group at the Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry.

Since January 2019 in the working group. Initially for the master thesis, then as a PhD student from November 2019. The research focus is on method development for the investigation of elemental species in ionomeric membranes. In addition, further use of picoliter droplets for total reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis will be investigated.

Sven Hampel

Research Assistant

Building: C8, Room: 126

Arnold-Sommerfeld-Str. 4 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld

Phone: +49 5323 72-2898
